Monday, January 7, 2013

Final Projects

Yeah, it's a bit weird to be posting my final projects from last semester on the first day of the new semester, but with so much coming up this semester (and hopefully a more frequent posting schedule), I figured I'd better get this out of the way. ;)

Without further ado, this was my final project for my concept design class:

Digital Illustration
A story moment from the Uglies!  I have a little more work to do on it, especially if I decide to enter it into any competitions, but I figure it's fit enough to show.  I've actually had a few people recognize this scene from the book without even being told that it was an Uglies illustration, so that was kind of gratifying. :)

And this was my poster for Richard III that I did for Narrative:

Oil painting, 18"x24"
This one also needs some work, but I'm so done with it right now that I don't know if I'll bother.  I learned a bit painting it, though, so that's always nice.

Finally, there's this piece from Narrative 1, which is definitely a fixer-upper:

Mixed media
My teacher really liked the composition, so I'm considering redoing it and painting a sort of border around it.  Funny story about this piece--it used to be twice as wide, with a whole other segment to the painting, and my teacher didn't like it so much.  When I went in to ask her how I could fix it, she looked at it for a minute, took a pair of scissors, and cut it in half.

"There," she said.  "Now it's an A."

No arguing with that.

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